Event created by reddog
State: Georgia
Town: Screven
Club Name: Boggy Creek Tree Dog Club
Contact Person: Ronnie Mullis
Phone Number for info: (912) 579-6419
Registry: UKC
Hunt Type: Both Squirrel & Coon
AM Squirrel Hunt: Yes
AM Deadline: 6 am
PM Squirrel Hunt: Yes
PM Deadline: 2:30 pm
Nite Hunt: Yes
Nite Deadline: 6 pm
Benchshow: Yes
Treeing Contest: Yes
Hunt Details:
Directions: Directions: Hwy 84 west out of Jesup, 5 mi. turn right on GA Hwy 203. 4.5 mi. to Hodge Place Rd. Turn left, follow signs.
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