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Event details

WTDA PA Hunt for the Cure on Sept 13, 2008.


Laurel Highlands Squirrel and Coon Club Laurelville, PA


* Squirrel hunt deadline is 8 AM Eastern time cost to hunt is $15 top 10 winners will receive trophie/plaque

* Bench show is 2 PM with trophies/plaques cost is $10

* treeing contest follows bench show $10

* Auction follows bench show: walking stick, end table, redwing boots, doll for collectors, Amish cookbook, certificates, Full Cry subscription various Steeler items, etc

* Coon hunt deadline is 7:30 PM and cost is $15.00 top 5 dogs will receive trophies/plaques

* Combination winner



Drawing: Rocking chair

50/50 raffle

Auction items still needed


Direct monatary donations can be made to: http:08.the3day.org/goto/LisaHileman


or send check ("Breast Cancer 3-Day")

and I will do the paper work for you. . . .


Lisa Hileman

233 School House Road

Dayton, PA 16222


thanks guys, see you in September

Lisa Hileman

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