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MO State Ch. Hunt

Community Calendar

Event details

Been getting several calls on folks planning on attended, just wanted to remind everyone and feel free to shoot us a note. We will have some great prizes, tracking collar, gift cert. Dog food and the top prize of the Owens Diamond Plated Dog Box. Hope to see you there!!



Show-Me Cur and Feist Club is once again hosting this years NKC Missouri State Championships.


It will be held at the same place in Humphry's, MO. This location has always produce a lot of game, even if the weather is not the best.


The events are as followed.


Squirriel Hunt 8am

Bench Show to follow

Treeing contest to follow Bench Show

Coon Hunt 6PM


We have a special entry of $50 if you want to enter all 4 events.


We will give a nice set of trophies out 1st place - 10th in all events and bring those young dogs to the bench show we will also have class, breed and show trophies.


If you have ever been to this hunt you know we always have great prizes for the winners and a big raffle to make sure everyone has a chance to take something home.



****again we will have for the top dog of the hunt a ***DIAMOND PLATED OWENS DOG BOX*****


Mark this hunt and come join us for a family fun weekend.


For directions to the hunt call Eddie Stevens 660-673-6890


For any other information call Nick Clark 573-219-1956


Thanks to everyone that is helping to make this one of the best events of the year.


Show-Me Cur and Feist Club

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