Event created by Owen
“UKC Mississippi Delta
World Qualifying Squirrel Hunt”
Onward, MS
February 2nd , 2008
Sponsored by
“Mississippi Cur and Feist Hunters”
Morning Hunt Five Places
Entry Fee $20.00 ea.
Draw-out 6:00 AM
Bench Show
Time 12:00 PM
Entry Fee $10.00 ea.
Treeing Contest Pending
Onward General Store
Hwy 61, Onward, Ms.
For more information call
Owen Brayson 601-799-1703
Or E-mail me at owenbrayson@bellsouth.net
Driving Directions To Onward, Mississippi.
1. From Vicksburg, Ms. go East on Interstate 20 for 3 miles. Take exit 5AB Highway 61 North for 29.5 miles.
2. From Jackson, Ms. go West on Interstate 20 for 40 miles. Take Exit 5AB North on Highway 61 for 29.5 miles.
3. From Greenville, Ms go East on Highway 82 for 10 miles. Take Highway 61 South for 50 miles.
4. From Greenwood, Ms go West on Highway 82 for 43 miles. Take Highway 61 for 43 miles.
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