Event created by bigben
NKC National Cancer Benefit Squirrel Hunt
List of events:
Friday, February 17th
12:00 PM- Doors open, Lunch is served
5:00PM- Entertainment Begins
5:30 PM- Supper’s Ready
6:30 PM- NKC National Bench Show
7:15 PM- Special Guest “The Great Pretendersâ€
Saturday, February 18th
5:00 AM- Breakfast Served
6:00 AM- AM Squirrel Hunt Sign-In Deadline
10:00 AM- Entertainment Begins
12:15 PM- NKC National Treeing Contest
1:30 PM- PM Squirrel Hunt Sign-In Deadline
6:30 PM- Huge Cancer Benefit Auction Local Accommodations: Deerfield Inn- 731-847-4700
Jakes- 731-847-6387
Days Inn-731-847-2278
Entertainment Friday February 17th 5:00- 6:00- Teen Sensations (Misc.)
7:15- til- The Great Pretenders
Saturday February 18th
10:00- 11:00- Browder Trio
11:00- 12:00- Burnt Grass Church (Bluegrass/Gospel)
12:00- 1:00- Holt Family (Bluegrass)
1:00- 2:00- Southern Breeze (Country)
2:00- 3:00- Southern Breeze (Country)
3:00- 4:00- Teen Sensations (Misc.)
4:00- 5:00- Tim Maness Family (Gospel)
5:00- 6:00- Horton Family (Gospel)
All of these groups are great but if you really want to be entertained be there Friday night at 7:15 for the Great Pretenders Show. Your Face will thank you for it, because they will make you smile!! Thanks for reading!
Natchez Trace Squirrel Hunters Club
NTSHC website
A proud supporter of the 3rd Annual NKC National Benefit Squirrel Hunts & Events
A 100% Benefit for the American Cancer Society
February 17th & 18th, 2006 Parsons, Tn.
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