Event created by reddog
State: South Carolina
Town: Society Hill
Club Name: PeeDee Squirrel Hunting Club
Contact Person: Terry Luther
Phone Number for info: (843)479-7077
Registry: USDR
Hunt Type: Both Squirrel & Coon
AM Squirrel Hunt: No
AM Deadline:
PM Squirrel Hunt: Yes
PM Deadline: 1pm
Nite Hunt: Yes
Nite Deadline: ?
Benchshow: Yes
Treeing Contest: Yes
Hunt Details: This is the Stevens Breeders Spring hunt.All Stevens dogs not from North or South Carolina will be registered free of charge for this hunt. This is a USDR sanctioned hunt. Different classes and awards for Stevens and Non Stevens dogs. Provisions also for a Stevens coon hunt if desired.
Directions: Headquarters will be at the PeeDee Clubhouse located on Leavensworth Rd.off Rt.15,3.2 miles South of where 15 and 52/401 split south of Society Hill,S.C.
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